Rob Sheffield The hottest trash-disco star in the world: Ke$ha! She has a lot in common with Kiss, actually, even spelling her name with a dollar sign the way Gene Simmons probably always wanted to. – Rob Sheffield Common Quotes Dollar Quotes Gene Quotes Hottest Quotes Keha Quotes Kiss Quotes Lot Quotes Sign Quotes Simmons Quotes Spelling Quotes Star Quotes Trashdisco Quotes When Ke$ha tries to rap like L’Trimm, she sounds like any ordinary lonely teenage girl stuck in a nowhere town, singing along to her radio and dreaming of a party where she’s the star. Ke$ha’s greatness is that in her voice, you can hear both the loser girl and the star. All hail the Queen of Noi$e! The sax solo as we know it today would not exist without Gerry Rafferty. His 1978 soft-rock classic ‘Baker Street’ has to be the ‘Ulysses’ of rock & roll saxophone, giving the entire chorus over to Raphael Ravenscroft’s sax solo, creating one of the Seventies’ most enduringly creepy sounds.
Linda McMahon It was acting, and WWE is the longest-running weekly episodic program in television. Sure, there are story lines that are better than others. – Linda McMahon
Jon Voight My heart aches watching Donald Trump… pouring his heart out… How can anyone doubt his sincerity? – Jon Voight
Alexander Armstrong I’m staggered when I look back at how, when I got to Cambridge, I didn’t know anything of the world. – Alexander Armstrong
Linford Christie I’m a very opinionated person and when I feel something I have to say it. – Linford Christie
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