Ken Hill The human voice sounds thicker with a chorus and reverb than a dry signal. – Ken Hill Chorus Quotes Dry Quotes Human Quotes Reverb Quotes Signal Quotes Sounds Quotes Thicker Quotes Voice Quotes Minds are like flowers. If you let it sit there without soaking anything up, it will dry up. The prime goal of an author is the same as a musician, which is to emotionally connect with the reader in some way or another.
Gregory Benford Science would lead you to a more interesting life than something else. – Gregory Benford
James Young Ten years ago, in 94, we thought maybe nobody would ever care about Styx again. – James Young
Lexi Alexander What’s really amazing is that the showrunner who really got me my start in TV is Andrew Kreisberg. He brought me on to ‘Arrow,’ and he tracked me down because he was a fan of ‘Punisher.’ – Lexi Alexander
Regina King You always make a film with the hope that all types of people will want to see your work and that it doesn’t matter about your color, but unfortunately it still does. – Regina King
David Robinson The individual stats, that stuff is fun, but it doesn’t last. Somebody else is gonna come along and break your records. But the memories that you take are forever. – David Robinson
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