John Bradshaw The idea of evil is always subject to denial as a coping mechanism. – John Bradshaw Coping Quotes Denial Quotes Evil Quotes Idea Quotes Mechanism Quotes Subject Quotes Many self-help books give you these neat, tidy formulas that are really illusions. They dupe people into thinking, ‘Well if I can just do that, then everything’s going to be okay.’ My work differs in that I don’t offer quick solutions and simple explanations. In ‘Reclaiming Virtue,’ I argue that we have had an element missing in moral education. That element is ‘affect.’ Affect is simply the technical word for feeling or emotion.
Ben Bernanke If you’re in a car crash, you’re mostly involved in trying to not go off the bridge, and later on you say, ‘Oh my God!’ – Ben Bernanke
Stephan James I’ve had some experience in track and field in school, but I did have to train to be able to play Jesse Owens – to be a runner, to be an Olympian. – Stephan James
Mahesh Manjrekar The fight to grab eyeballs for Marathi films is intense because a majority of Maharashtrians speak Hindi and there’s no undivided loyalty to their native language among them. – Mahesh Manjrekar
Lorrie Morgan We can’t be dictated to by radio. Radio needs to play what we send them. – Lorrie Morgan
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