Julian Baggini The idea that there is a sharp boundary between our true inner selves and the outside world is pervasive but highly questionable. The boundaries of the self might well be more porous than we ordinarily think. – Julian Baggini Boundaries Quotes Boundary Quotes Highly Quotes Idea Quotes Ordinarily Quotes Pervasive Quotes Porous Quotes Questionable Quotes Sharp Quotes TRUE Quotes The idea that the mind can extend even beyond the body is an intriguing one, and is bound to become more pressing as we increasingly develop technologies that augment our natural abilities. Untested assumptions and lazy habits of thought can be shown up, once put in a spotlight of a different hue.
Jason David Frank If you live day by day and do the best you can, then you’ll have a great future. If you worry about the future, and you don’t live the best day, you’re not going to have a future. – Jason David Frank
Radha Ravi I’ve been a character artiste for four decades, and in our job, we learn very early that it doesn’t pay to be narcissistic. – Radha Ravi
Steven Strogatz When you create something new, you’re breaking tradition – which is an act of defiance. – Steven Strogatz
Greg Daniels I’m like a slow starter. Everything I’ve done has built, or has taken a while. – Greg Daniels
Anita Dobson I’ve been working in radio on and off for most of my career. There’s a restfulness about it. It’s more focused on the voice, so you don’t have to worry about extraneous things like sound effects, as there’s someone there to look after that. – Anita Dobson
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