Rene Cassin The implementation measures of both Covenants, but especially those of the Covenant concerning civil and political rights, were considerably weakened to the point where they assumed an optional character. – Rene Cassin Assumed Quotes Character Quotes Civil Quotes Considerably Quotes Covenant Quotes Covenants Quotes Implementation Quotes Measures Quotes Optional Quotes Political Quotes Rights Quotes Weakened Quotes The only compensation, gained through the influence of nongovernmental organizations, consisted in slightly broadening for private individuals the possibility of access and appeal to the agencies enforcing the Covenant concerned with civil and political rights. The Covenant of the League of Nations had envisaged sponsoring only the protection of certain categories of men: national minorities and populations of territories controlled by other countries.
Giulio NattaSpace If the chain symmetry is maintained in the crystal lattice, the possible occurrence of different space groups is considerably restricted. – Giulio Natta
RJ Mitte My grandparents would take me out fishing in their boat once a week from when I was about two or three, growing up in in Texas and Louisiana. I loved it. – RJ Mitte
Sara Cox My food villain is salt. I’d love to be have the odd ready meal as a lazy treat, but some contain 33% of your salt intake! i just cant do it to myself! – Sara Cox
Gunter Blobel In the United States, the wealthy have a tradition of charity. But in Germany, the rich say, ‘We pay taxes. It’s enough.’ – Gunter Blobel
Sarah Palin We know that the far left and their media allies can’t beat us on the issues, so instead they’ll distort our records. Let’s not do the job for them, OK, Republicans? OK, independents? – Sarah Palin
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