Eric Holder The inability to pass reasonable gun safety laws after the Newtown massacre is something that weighs heavily on my mind. – Eric Holder Gun Quotes Heavily Quotes Inability Quotes Laws Quotes Massacre Quotes Mind Quotes Newtown Quotes Pass Quotes Reasonable Quotes Safety Quotes Weighs Quotes In January 2013, I told the people in the Justice Department after the re-election that I wanted to focus on reforming the federal criminal justice system. I made an announcement in August of that year in San Francisco, when we rolled out the Smart on Crime initiative. I think one of the things that I don’t think people focus on is that there are some red states that have done some really innovative things when it comes to criminal justice reform, including on rehabilitation, reentry efforts. I think one of the things that we have seen in that regard is that you save money.
Alphonse KarrThankful Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses. – Alphonse Karr
Jean M Auel The idea led me into the research, which continues to give me more ideas for the story. – Jean M Auel
Charles Platt Personally, I believe that government, rather than money, tends to be the primary factor limiting the development of new technologies. – Charles Platt
Michael Badnarik I don’t know that the Libertarian Party has an official position on the separation of church and state. – Michael Badnarik
JrLeslie Odom I have a great foundation, a great training foundation. But it took me a long time to let the training go. – Leslie Odom, Jr
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