Johann Lamont The instinct of the Labour Party is if there’s a problem, change the leader, then sit back, fold your arms and wait to be disappointed because they’re sure it’s not going to deliver. – Johann Lamont Arms Quotes Change Quotes Deliver Quotes Disappointed Quotes Fold Quotes Instinct Quotes Labour Quotes Leader Quotes Party Quotes Sit Quotes Wait Quotes There is a presumption made among nationalists that constitutional change is the answer to all the questions that are problematic in our communities, and my job is to talk about what is happening in the real world. The Scottish Labour Party should work as equal partners with the U.K. party, just as Scotland is an equal partner in the United Kingdom. Scotland has chosen home rule – not London rule.
Suzy Amis What I really wanted to do, actually, was stay home and be a mom and have some more kids. – Suzy Amis
Peter Garrett Look, very clearly there are things that need to be done urgently in relation to climate change, and of those the most obvious is to have an enforceable and equitable arrangement delivering deep cuts in emissions into the middle of the century. – Peter Garrett
Amelia Warner The wrap party for the ‘Lorna Doone’ TV series was pretty special. We went to about four clubs, then four people’s houses, and I got home at midday the next day. I’d been wearing ridiculous green shoes all night, and the dye had smudged all over my legs. – Amelia Warner
Karren Brady I love knowing that if I was dropped off in Trafalgar Square, I could walk in any direction and see something amazing or eat something delicious. – Karren Brady
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