bell hooks The institutionalization of Black Studies, Feminist Studies, all of these things, led to a sense that the struggle was over for a lot of people and that one did not have to continue the personal consciousness-raising and changing of one’s viewpoint. – bell hooks Black Quotes Changing Quotes Consciousnessraising Quotes Continue Quotes Feminist Quotes Institutionalization Quotes Led Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Personal Quotes Sense Quotes Struggle Quotes Studies Quotes Viewpoint Quotes My idea of a delicious time is to read a book that is wonderful. But the ruling passion of my life is being a seeker after truth and the divine. Blacks who lack a proper killing rage are merely victims.
CarRalph Nader John D. Rockefeller wanted to dominate oil, but Microsoft wants it all, you name it: cable, media, banking, car dealerships. – Ralph Nader
Roman Polanski I don’t really know what is shocking. When you tell the story of a man who is beheaded, you have to show how they cut off his head. If you don’t, it’s like telling a dirty joke and leaving out the punch line. – Roman Polanski
AttitudeJames Welch The townspeople outside the reservations had a very superior attitude toward Indians, which was kind of funny, because they weren’t very wealthy; they were on the fringes of society themselves. – James Welch
Lucas Till I think there’s certain things that I know in my head that I enjoy: action movies. – Lucas Till
Franz BeckenbauerPositive The World Cup tournament overall and, naturally, the new stadiums at its heart, are the ideal platform to portray Germany as a positive and exceptional location, and above all of course, as a highly capable economic location. – Franz Beckenbauer
Taavet Hinrikus The attitude to failure is one of the characteristics that’s often called out as the difference between the U.S. and Europe. And we do need to be less risk-averse, more embracing of failure. Having failed makes you look bad in Europe. But in the U.S., it makes you look experienced. – Taavet Hinrikus
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