Joshua Cohen The Internet is a tool, a technology, and we like to say that it has all of these properties, but really, it’s just a place where our writing is. – Joshua Cohen Internet Quotes Properties Quotes Technology Quotes Tool Quotes Writing Quotes I think if German literature could survive the ’40s and Russian literature could survive Sovietism, American literature can survive Google. When knowledge no longer becomes the commodity of the few, but in a sense becomes equalized by everyone having access, you lose some aspect of Jewish particularity, or at least a Jewish particularity that is fundamental to the construct of Jews as people of the book, which was always interesting.
Ken Hensley I actually never knew Peter Green but I do respect his early work very much. – Ken Hensley
Herman Kahn In a world which is armed to its teeth with nuclear weapons, every quarrel or difference of opinion may lead to violence of a kind quite different from what is possible today. – Herman Kahn
Bret Easton Ellis It’s the rare book that’s able to transport you in a way that a movie does. – Bret Easton Ellis
LearningSanya Malhotra With every film that I am doing I am learning new things either about myself, or about filmmaking. – Sanya Malhotra
Gil Marks The knish is a classic example of peasant food evolving into comfort food and even sophisticated fare. – Gil Marks
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