Akihito The Japanese keenly learned from Western civilisation in a bid to modernize and preserve the nation. – Akihito Bid Quotes Civilisation Quotes Japanese Quotes Keenly Quotes Learned Quotes Modernize Quotes Nation Quotes Preserve Quotes Western Quotes I am marrying her because I love her.
Ann Nocenti I know my predecessors have written a Green Arrow who has a lot of thoughts about social justice, but that was a more evolved, older, wiser Green Arrow. – Ann Nocenti
John Krasinski There’s the push and pull you put on yourself and the push and pull the world puts on you. Most of the time, the world’s going to win out, because it’s just logical that you should be more successful and more motivated. You can always be more. – John Krasinski
Marsha P Johnson A drag queen is one that usually goes to a ball and that’s the only time she gets dressed up. Transvestites live in drag. A transsexual spends most of her life in drag. – Marsha P Johnson
Lauren Weisberger I love clothes, but I love them in a very ‘regular person’ way. – Lauren Weisberger
Melina Mercouri We say to the British government: you have kept those sculptures for almost two centuries. You have cared for them as well as you could, for which we thank you. But now in the name of fairness and morality, please give them back. – Melina Mercouri
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