Darcey Bussell The jogging machine makes me go insane with boredom. – Darcey Bussell Boredom Quotes Insane Quotes Jogging Quotes Machine Quotes If you have enough ambition, you can create talent! I loved gymnastics, and my gymnastics teacher said ballet was essential to help my dance routines in competitions. I only really went because my friends were going as well. It wasn’t this kind of hidden love. Then, slowly, my friends stopped going and I thought, ‘I like this. I am going to stay.’
Amanda Knox I’m terrible at basketball. I have really small hands, and I can’t control the ball. – Amanda Knox
Jay DeMarcus It would be nice sometimes to take a longer break in between projects, but unfortunately, the way that the business is, there’s such a demand for new material on a consistent basis that it’s nearly impossible to do that. – Jay DeMarcus
SE Cupp It’s funny, when I’m in airports and I’m walking around, maybe feeling a little tired in my sweatpants and not wanting to talk to folks, I just put on my sunglasses. And usually it works every time. – SE Cupp
Henry SelickHumor I’m looking at some comedic horror films because I have often been accused of being too dark. I’m not dark, not compared with ‘Saw’ or anything like that. So I’m looking at live-action horror films, but not slasher ones – ones that have humor and maybe some social satire. – Henry Selick
Nate Torrence I’d say specifically after ‘Get Smart,’ people now know me either as The Guy from ‘Get Smart’ or ‘She’s Out of My League.’ When that came out on DVD, everyone was recognizing me from that. – Nate Torrence
Diana Penty Essentially, Christmas has always been about spending time with family. We had one big lunch filled with banter, warmth, laughter and great food. Doing up the tree with my mom was another fun exercise. – Diana Penty
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