George Whitefield The Judge is before the door: he that cometh will come, and will not tarry: his reward is with him. – George Whitefield Cometh Quotes Door Quotes Judge Quotes Reward Quotes Tarry Quotes The righteousness of Jesus Christ is one of those great mysteries, which the angels desire to look into, and seems to be one of the first lessons that God taught men after the fall. When our Lord says, we must be converted and become as little children, I suppose he means also, that we must be sensible of our weakness, comparatively speaking, as a little child.
Amity ShlaesValentines Day People value Halloween, like Valentine’s Day, because they can tell themselves that it’s not merely secularized but actually secular, which is to say, not Christian, Jewish, Hindu or Muslim. – Amity Shlaes
Mario Lemieux I think the lottery changed everything for us. Once we got Sidney, it helped us turn this franchise around overnight. – Mario Lemieux
Sam Bennett Early in the season, you’re going into races feeling confident because you’ve done the work and that confidence gives you an extra five or 10 per cent. – Sam Bennett
Devlin Hodges I know there are certain times you have to be smart with the football but I’m a gunslinger, I’ve always been a gunslinger and that’s just what I’m gonna do. – Devlin Hodges
Ruth Bader Ginsburg I’ve had two cancer bouts in my years on the Court, and the first one, Justice O’Connor told me, ‘Now, you do the chemotherapy on Friday because you’ll get over it during the weekend and you can be back in court on Monday.’ – Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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