Alex Scott The knockout games of a major tournament are when you see players’ true characters. – Alex Scott Characters Quotes Games Quotes Knockout Quotes Major Quotes Players Quotes Tournament Quotes TRUE Quotes There’s always a responsibility as a pundit, whether you’re male or female: the way you present yourself, making sure you’ve got your facts right. We don’t really compare ourselves to the men’s game or what they do. For us, it’s about trying to get more people involved in the women’s games.
Amy Lee Whether it’s a relationship or what you’re wearing, or how much you weigh and what you said when you didn’t mean it, like – it’s hard to be totally under the microscope. – Amy Lee
Jeannette WallsPositive With a complicated childhood, you can either focus on the positive or the negative, and I chose to focus on the positive. – Jeannette Walls
Shannon Bream I never did pageants as a kid, but when I got into high school, I did a couple that were tied to a sort of all-around academic student achievement program, something akin to Junior Miss, but not Junior Miss. – Shannon Bream
CoolTommy Hilfiger We had incense and rock’n’roll posters, and we sold records and rolling papers. People could just, like, hang out. We had a cool vibe going. – Tommy Hilfiger
Cyril Cusack One’s performance is often heightened by the brilliance and generosity of other actors. – Cyril Cusack
Gabby Barrett I think you get a lot of influence from what your parents play around you. So I always loved country, R&B and rock. – Gabby Barrett
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