Jessica Williams The last thing I do before bed is think I should take my contacts out. Then I fall asleep. – Jessica Williams Asleep Quotes Bed Quotes Contacts Quotes Fall Quotes I think it’s really progressive to talk about race in relationships. I think there is so much room for that, and there needs to be more of it. My favorite place in the world is the Harry Potter tour near London.
Neri Oxman A great dream of mine would be to run a design studio full of scientists who think about science as creatively as if they were doing art. – Neri Oxman
Paul Wesley Catcher in the Rye’ changed my life when I was a kid. I read it as I was a boy turning into a man, and I was so fascinated by the values. I believe in it. – Paul Wesley
Richard Dreyfuss I never had a role that I set out for. I always wanted to have a body of work that I’m proud of. Save for two projects, which will never pass my lips, I’m happy with what I’ve done. – Richard Dreyfuss
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