Martin Compston The last time I threw a punch was in primary school, and that was probably a slap. – Martin Compston Primary Quotes Punch Quotes School Quotes Slap Quotes Threw Quotes Time Quotes When I was young, running with a gang was a cool thing to do; that’s how you get popular; that’s how you get the girls. A lot of the films I do go down brilliantly critically and win awards, but not a lot of people see them.
Julia London It generally takes me about nine months from the point the book is conceived to the point my editor sends it off to be typeset. – Julia London
Mark Webber I would love to be better at cooking but I hate cleaning up afterwards. I love the process of putting everything together and the chance of getting it right or wrong but it takes ten minutes to eat it and then ages to clean. – Mark Webber
Britney Spears I guess it’s because I do have a younger audience that, you know, parents worry about the role model thing. But when I was younger, I looked up to people, but I never wanted to be them. I always had my own identity. I’m an entertainer when I’m on stage, and they need to explain that to their kids. That’s not my job to do that. – Britney Spears
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