Russell Smith The locale does not determine the dress code; the host does. – Russell Smith Code Quotes Determine Quotes Dress Quotes Host Quotes Locale Quotes There is actually no such thing as an Artist type. ‘Artist’ is just an economic designation, a box you tick on a form. We are all people, and we are all creative. Universities can teach maturity. They can teach teenagers how to be adults, and that means to function outside a clique or a tribe.
Anne F Beiler To overcome adverse circumstances, you have to learn to overcome your own hang-ups, values, and idiosyncrasies in order to value other people, cultures, and ideas. – Anne F Beiler
Ruth Negga Women always have to have this soft, maternal, sort of – I don’t know – moral center. – Ruth Negga
Harry ConnickJr I was raised in the environment where it really wasn’t about sittin’ around dreaming all the time, it was about practicing and workin’ really hard and if a dream ever came to you, you’d be prepared for that opportunity. – Harry Connick, Jr
George HarrisonTruth To tell the truth, I’d join a band with John Lennon any day, but I couldn’t join a band with Paul McCartney, but it’s nothing personal. It’s just from a musical point of view. – George Harrison
Brooke Shields I look back at myself, this innocent person, and I think, ‘Gosh, she’s okay.’ I handled a lot, and I’m still here. – Brooke Shields
Elmore Leonard A friend of mine who is in the publishing business knew I was writing a book, and he said, ‘Have you said anything yet about the good guy? Because I know you spend so much time with the bad guys.’ Because they’re fun. So then you have to make the good guy fun, in order to compete. That’s the challenge. – Elmore Leonard
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