Antony Beevor The majority of soldiers and officers of the Soviet Army and the allied armies treated the local population humanely. – Antony Beevor Allied Quotes Armies Quotes Army Quotes Humanely Quotes Local Quotes Majority Quotes Officers Quotes Population Quotes Soldiers Quotes Soviet Quotes Treated Quotes It takes me three or four years to research and write each book and the individual stories stay with you for a long time afterwards. When I started to write, I realised that you need a bit of both: the overall context as well as the individual’s experience.
James Mercer When I started The Shins, it really was just me, alone, but it was still The Shins. I was totally recording stuff and writing songs as The Shins and all of that. So the beginning inception of the whole thing was some sort of a lie, I guess. – James Mercer
Adam Lallana I could have stayed at Southampton until I retired and finished my career there. – Adam Lallana
Kenneth Lay The last thing I would have ever expected to happen to me in my life would be that, in fact, I would be accused of doing something wrong and maybe even something criminal. – Kenneth Lay
Kevin Reilly I love talent because they are passionate. They can be emotional and irrational and unpredictable… and that’s okay, because all we want is something exciting on the page and on the screen. – Kevin Reilly
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