Peter Abelard The men who abandon themselves to the passions of this miserable life, are compared in Scripture to beasts. – Peter Abelard Abandon Quotes Beasts Quotes Compared Quotes Life Quotes Miserable Quotes Passions Quotes Scripture Quotes Are you not moved to tears and bitter compassion, when you behold the only Son of God seized by the most impious, dragged away, mocked, scourged, buffeted, spit upon, crowned with thorns, hung upon the infamous cross between two thieves, finally in such a horrible and execrable manner suffering death, for your salvation and that of the world?
James Wolfensohn I think that so-called capitalism and trade is a very important element in giving people opportunity. – James Wolfensohn
Arne Glimcher The conceptual artist Ai WeiWei illustrates the schizoid society that rapid change has produced – sometimes by reassembling Ming-style furniture into absurd and useless arrangements, or by carefully painting and antiquing a Coca-Cola logo on an ancient Chinese pot. – Arne Glimcher
Jodi Lyn O'Keefe I did make some not-so-great relationship decisions when I was a lot younger. I do know that not all high school boys are great and wonderful and Prince Charming, and there are a few that are going to treat you that way. – Jodi Lyn O’Keefe
Muriel Rukeyser Local images have one kind of reality. ‘U.S. 1’ will, I hope, have that kind and another, too. Poetry can extend the document. – Muriel Rukeyser
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