James Larkin The men whose manhood you have broken will loathe you, and will always be brooding and scheming to strike a fresh blow. – James Larkin Blow Quotes Broken Quotes Brooding Quotes Fresh Quotes Loathe Quotes Manhood Quotes Scheming Quotes Strike Quotes I have raised the morals and sobriety of the people. The best thanks we could offer those who went before and raised the Irish working class from their knees was to press forward with determination and enthusiasm towards the ultimate goal of their efforts, a Co-operative Commonwealth for Ireland.
Antonia Lofaso I know this sounds strange, but when I turned 30, it was a turning point in my life. I wanted to push myself in every capacity. Chefs are very competitive and, just like when you were a kid and raced to the corner on your bike, we all want to be told that we’re the best. – Antonia Lofaso
Denis O'Hare And I guess I’m a kid at heart in that when I go for entertainment, I want to be totally transported. I want to go somewhere else; I want to encounter different things, different beings, different universes. And so I love that aspect of being able to play those things in both ‘True Blood’ and in ‘American Horror Story.’ – Denis O’Hare
Robert Mapplethorpe I’m looking for the unexpected. I’m looking for things I’ve never seen before. – Robert Mapplethorpe
Phil Knight You can’t explain much in 60 seconds, but when you show Michael Jordan, you don’t have to. It’s that simple. – Phil Knight
Margaret TrudeauSociety Our youth-oriented society does not have a clearly defined place for the older woman. – Margaret Trudeau
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