Aaron Ruell The mindset that I have on every project I take on is, ‘How do I make this interesting enough for me to want to stop and look at it?’ So in that regard, what I do behind the camera, whether it’s still or motion picture, is the same. – Aaron Ruell Camera Quotes Mindset Quotes Motion Quotes Picture Quotes Project Quotes Regard Quotes If I do a certain number of ads, I have to do a personal project in between, just for my own sanity. I still consider myself a punk-rock kid. I like to mix pieces in my art direction from the ’60s or the ’40s and the ’90s and present-day stuff. To me, that feels very real. When I go into people’s houses, it’s not all today.
Kei Nishikori I wanted to keep Top 10 every year and that gave me a little bit of pressure. – Kei Nishikori
Keith Ellison I’m not against T.V. advertising for campaigns, but we need to emphasize field campaigning much more than we do. – Keith Ellison
Keith Jarrett If a person plays dissonance long enough, it will sound like consonance. It’s a language that was alien and then it’s less and less alien as it continues to live. – Keith Jarrett
Natalie Massenet One of my goals is that, at a dinner party some time in the future, someone will say, ‘Oh, my nephew is starting a ready-to-wear brand’, and 20 people will turn around and say, ‘Is he? Can we invest?’ in the same way that, now, if you were to say, ‘My nephew is starting a mobile app,’ everyone would say, ‘Oh, smashing! Can I invest?’ – Natalie Massenet
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