Gray Scott The mobile revolution has dramatically changed our world view, empowered women, and increased our empathy. Corrupt governments have been toppled and wars avoided because our species has become so digitally connected. – Gray Scott Avoided Quotes Changed Quotes Connected Quotes Corrupt Quotes Digitally Quotes Dramatically Quotes Empathy Quotes Empowered Quotes Governments Quotes Increased Quotes Mobile Quotes Revolution Quotes Species Quotes Toppled Quotes View Quotes Wars Quotes Women Quotes Immortality may be impossible, but imagine what humanity could learn if we all lived 700 years. We could travel deep into utopia and beyond. You have to talk about ‘The Terminator’ if you’re talking about artificial intelligence. I actually think that that’s way off. I don’t think that an artificially intelligent system that has superhuman intelligence will be violent. I do think that it will disrupt our culture.
Joel Glazer We continue to believe that European football needs to become more sustainable throughout the pyramid for the long-term. However, we fully accept that the Super League was not the right way to go about it. – Joel Glazer
Haim Saban Music has always been one of my life’s greatest passions – shaping, influencing and motivating me on a daily basis. – Haim Saban
Stanislaw Lem You climb to reach the summit, but once there, discover that all roads lead down. – Stanislaw Lem
Jay Chandrasekhar There has been a stigma around letting movies be seen on home screens on the same day as theatrical screens. Universal said they were going to do it with ‘Tower Heist,’ but they backed off when challenged by the theater owners. I understand where the theater owners are coming from on big studio movies. – Jay Chandrasekhar
Guy Pearce A lot of people are going to hate me for saying this, but one of my least favorite kinds of music, or the kind of music that I feel I’ve so got out of my system, is musicals music. – Guy Pearce
John Lydon You’re made to feel ugly, and I made ugly beautiful. Just by sheer persistence. Nobody has the right to say that I am ugly, and I will not be a professional victim, you know. Sorry! – John Lydon
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