Michael Gerber The more Strategic Work you do, the more effective, productive, and joyful the Tactical Work becomes. – Michael Gerber Effective Quotes Joyful Quotes Productive Quotes Strategic Quotes Tactical Quotes Strategic Work is all about the big questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Tactical Work is all about answers: This is the system we use to do each task. This is how we do it, how we measure it, how we monitor it. The kind of work you do, when you do it, how much of it there is, and who you delegate it to are often the cause of the quasi-schizophrenic behavior seen in many business owners and entrepreneurs.
George M Church Terrorism is not a public health threat, relative to cancer and heart disease and malaria and so forth. – George M Church
Dave Ramsey My wife, Sharon, and I started with nothing when we got married. I was driving a 1902 Pinto and eating off a card table. – Dave Ramsey
Beth Phoenix I was able to be influential and create a mold. There was no one else who was shaped like me or looked like me. – Beth Phoenix
Rob Sheffield You can hear the Celtic heartbeat all over Europe and America, from Bing Crosby to Jack White, from the Smiths to My Bloody Valentine, from House of Pain to Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. – Rob Sheffield
Elsa Hosk I always do the same makeup because it’s what works with my face. Just eyeliner and lots of mascara – very ’60s. – Elsa Hosk
Ed Helms When you’re playing a fictional character reacting to the real world, it’s incredibly difficult and confusing and kind of messes with your values a bit. – Ed Helms
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