James Bovard The more that voting is glorified as a panacea, the more lackadaisical people become about preserving their constitutional rights. – James Bovard Constitutional Quotes Glorified Quotes Lackadaisical Quotes Panacea Quotes People Quotes Preserving Quotes Rights Quotes Voting Quotes Freedom to vote is valuable primarily as a means to safeguard other freedoms. Trumpeting the importance of voting deludes people into thinking that they have a leash on the government.
Harry Enfield Most of my characters are silly little boys. It’s human. Everyone is badly behaved. – Harry Enfield
Andy WilliamsFinance We teach about how to drive in school, but not how to manage finances. – Andy Williams
Ezra Klein When you’re trying to come up with a good approach to reporting on the bleeding edge of where the conversation’s moving, you’re just leaving a lot of people who aren’t on the bleeding edge of that conversation out. – Ezra Klein
Hunter Parrish People sometimes forget how important Broadway is as a place for young actors to grow. – Hunter Parrish
Martin McDonagh When I’m happiest writing is just not knowing where it goes and just let the characters bring you there. – Martin McDonagh
Madlib As a kid, I was trying to copy what I heard. Namely, I was just listening to producers I looked up to, like 45 King and Marley Marl, and trying to do what they were doing. – Madlib
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