Ed MilibandWisdom The most important lesson of New Labour is this: Every time we made progress we did it by challenging the conventional wisdom. – Ed Miliband Challenging Quotes Conventional Quotes Labour Quotes Lesson Quotes Progress Quotes Time Quotes Wisdom Quotes He who lives by the crystal ball soon learns to eat ground glass. Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.
BusinessRobert Lepage You’re only as good as your last movie, period. It’s a business. – Robert Lepage
Shilpa Shetty If your insides are not well looked-after, then your outsides are going to suffer. It’s like a glass that’s not cleaned from the inside. Whatever you do to polish it from the outside, it’s still going to look dirty. So that’s the analogy. – Shilpa Shetty
Eric Bana I think there are times when you walk onto a set you can potentially be either intimidated or distracted by what’s going on around you. – Eric Bana
Aaron Gordon I have a ridiculous sweet tooth. Chocolate, candy, cake, ice cream, cookies, M&Ms – if it has sugar in it, I love it. – Aaron Gordon
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