Ella Woodward The most important thing is to snack on things that are filled with real food and nourishing ingredients that will leave you feeling energised and happy. – Ella Woodward Energised Quotes Feeling Quotes Filled Quotes Food Quotes Happy Quotes Ingredients Quotes Leave Quotes Nourishing Quotes Real Quotes Snack Quotes I can smell bacon sizzling or chicken roasting and appreciate the aroma, but I don’t want to eat it. Healthy eating isn’t supposed to be about self-denial; it’s not a punishment.
Shia LaBeouf I didn’t know my dad for a long time. My dad was on drugs and my dad was at the VA Hospital, my dad was off in his own world selling drugs or using them or there would be crack heads in the house or whatever it would be. – Shia LaBeouf
Josh Hopkins Yeah, pretending to ride a horse is actually a lot harder than riding a horse. – Josh Hopkins
Alice EveDad My dad, in particular, was adamant that I should finish my education. He encouraged me to go to Oxford, for instance, and I rather doubt I’d have gone if he hadn’t. I would have gone straight back to L.A. and tried to start my career. – Alice Eve
Mario J Molina Laboratory experiments, field observations and atmospheric modeling calculations have now established that chemical reactions occurring on PSC particles play a central role in polar ozone depletion. – Mario J Molina
Dan Bongino Being a Secret Service agent, I have an obligation not to disclose personal conversations and security details. But that doesn’t prevent me from speaking generally about foundational principles and the system of patronage and punishment I saw in the Obama administration. – Dan Bongino
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