Monica GalettiWedding The most precious item I have is my wedding dress. – Monica Galetti Dress Quotes Item Quotes Precious Quotes Wedding Quotes I went looking for dresses and realized there was a niche I could fill in the wedding dress market. It gave me a lot of pleasure and pride that 90 percent of the crew for ‘Monsoon Wedding,’ and most of my film, are women. We get the work done, you know, much lesser play of ego… And I really believe in harmony, I believe in working in a spirit of egolessness and that the film is bigger than all of us.
John Polanyi For scholarship – if it is to be scholarship – requires, in addition to liberty, that the truth take precedence over all sectarian interests, including self-interest. – John Polanyi
James Ivory You can just start shooting things and see how it goes. But time is still money, so you have to know when you are finished. It’s not like painting a picture which you could go on refining for 20 years – with a film you have to stop at some point, and that is no bad thing. – James Ivory
Hayley Williams Oh yeah, I don’t eat a lot of candy on tour. When I get home, man, I love candy. Oh, man, and ice cream. I can’t eat it on tour because of the sugar and my throat. – Hayley Williams
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