Charlie Pierce The murder of John Kennedy in broad daylight in the streets of an American city remains, to me, an unsolved crime. – Charlie Pierce American Quotes Broad Quotes City Quotes Crime Quotes Daylight Quotes John Quotes Kennedy Quotes Murder Quotes Remains Quotes Streets Quotes Unsolved Quotes At the time of his death, John Kennedy had a national security establishment that was a writhing ball of snakes. One of the great changes wrought by the increased public awareness of Alzheimer’s – and thank you, Nancy Reagan, you wonderful tough old dame, you – is that people in the early stages of the disease are now speaking out while they still have the capacity to do so.
GoodLatrell SprewellLove It always feels good to come back here. I love New York… it’s just nice to see a lot of familiar faces. – Latrell Sprewell
Franck Ribery No one’s saying anything against healthy, fair hardness. That’s a part of football. But referees must look more closely and make sure limits are not exceeded. – Franck Ribery
Quentin Tarantino If you go out and see a lot of movies in a given year, it’s really hard to come up with a top ten, because you saw a lot of stuff that you liked. A top 20 is easier. You probably get one masterpiece a year, and I don’t think you should expect more than one masterpiece a year, except in a really great year. – Quentin Tarantino
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