Peter Milligan The Names’ is a story about a woman who might feel that she’s in a kind of maze. She’s unable to find her way forward or out because she can’t see the whole picture. – Peter Milligan Feel Quotes Maze Quotes Names Quotes Picture Quotes Story Quotes Unable Quotes Woman Quotes There are some characters in ‘The Names’ who are very much heroes and others who can only be called villains. But generally, as we get to know them, we see most of the characters are, or at least become, quite nuanced. One thing we never did with ‘Bad Company’ was talk down to our reader. And we certainly don’t do that with the new story, ‘Bad Company, First Casualties.’
Michael Capuano I think during a campaign it’s perfectly OK to do what you need to do. But then the idea, I would argue is for former presidents to fall in line and do the best they can to support the current president, whoever that might be. – Michael Capuano
Diana Gabaldon I have no objection to well-written romance, but I’d read enough of it to know that that’s not what I had written. I also knew that if it was sold as romance I’d never be reviewed by the ‘New York Times’ or any other literarily respectable newspaper – which is basically true, although the ‘Washington Post’ did get round to me eventually. – Diana Gabaldon
Henry IV of EnglandKnowledge The shortest and surest way of arriving at real knowledge is to unlearn the lessons we have been taught, to mount the first principles, and take nobody’s word about them. – Henry IV of England
Edge I always looked at it as, the character of Edge gives me complete free reign with no borders, where you can get away with anything, just a complete… no social qualities, no redeeming qualities whatsoever. – Edge
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