Karl Liebknecht The new Germany has the unquestionable right to hold its tongue between its teeth. – Karl Liebknecht Germany Quotes Hold Quotes Teeth Quotes Tongue Quotes Unquestionable Quotes This republic represents the greatest basis for that universal socialist order, the creation of which is at the present time the historic task of the International Proletariat. The aim of my life is the overthrow of monarchy.
Dennis Prager The last thing Jews need is to create tension with their best friends. And the last thing Christians need is a renewal of Christian hatred toward Jesus’ people. – Dennis Prager
Lari White If there’s any profit to be had in Nashville-Underground, it’s very long term. We’re not about money, which gives us an edge over the labels. – Lari White
Ann Widdecombe The child in the womb has no voice but Parliament’s. Many MPs who voted for the 1967 Act did not think they were abandoning the unborn because they were fooled by the supposed safeguards. Now we know just how ineffective those safeguards are. – Ann Widdecombe
Omarosa Manigault Newman There’s one way to shut Donald Trump down, and that is don’t give him the oxygen. And the oxygen comes from the clicks, the ‘likes,’ the shock, discussions. – Omarosa Manigault Newman
Roland BarthesSociety There is only one way left to escape the alienation of present day society: to retreat ahead of it. – Roland Barthes
Claire Messud Place and displacement have always been central for me. A type of insecurity goes with that: you are always following the cues, like learning the dance steps when the dance is already under way. – Claire Messud
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