Anthony McCarten The New Zealand sense of humor is tough and realistic. Jokes are not surreal; they are about life and death and tough decisions. – Anthony McCarten Death Quotes Decisions Quotes Humor Quotes Jokes Quotes Life Quotes Realistic Quotes Sense Quotes Surreal Quotes Tough Quotes Zealand Quotes I have three favorite cities: London, Wellington, and Los Angeles. What makes them so good? The friends who live there. I still present myself as a New Zealander, answering people’s questions about New Zealand and contributing in my own unlikely way to the global perception that Kiwis can and do fly high.
Joseph Wambaugh What I didn’t know was that if I didn’t stand with my back to the wall, Hollywood people would unscrew my ass and sell it down the river. – Joseph Wambaugh
AmazingKrysten Ritter Yarn, patterns, and needle sizes have come such a long way since your grandmother’s afghans. Creatively, there is just so much to get into, so much to play with. It’s an amazing way to turn inward and get off your phone. – Krysten Ritter
Jessi Klein I find it extremely ironic that Bush says that personal opinion should not be a tool in the interpretation of the Constitution, when he’s the one who’s lobbying for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. If that doesn’t stem from personal opinion, I don’t know what does. – Jessi Klein
Chris Grayling Back in the late 1980s I was programme editor of Channel Four’s Business Daily. Day after day we broadcast the latest news, views and analysis for the City in a period when its visibility was as high as it has ever been. – Chris Grayling
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