David Gerrold The Next Generation’ was a lot of fun for a while, and then it wasn’t a lot of fun. The reason it wasn’t a lot of fun was that this one was going to be a guaranteed hit. The original ‘Star Trek’ was never a guaranteed hit. – David Gerrold Fun Quotes Generation Quotes Guaranteed Quotes Hit Quotes Lot Quotes Original Quotes Reason Quotes Star Quotes Trek Quotes I’m frustrated with Hollywood and television and the movies because they see science fiction as an excuse for eye candy, for lots of great special effects. My approach to ‘Star Trek’ was, ‘I know science fiction, and I know screen writing.’ That was very arrogant of me, but you really need to be a little bit arrogant to think that what you have to say is good enough to justify the expense of hundreds of thousands – now millions of dollars – to make an episode of the TV show.
Dean Devlin I’ve always lived by this philosophy, when it comes to conspiracies, never to attribute to deviousness that which can be explained by incompetence. – Dean Devlin
Mel B I didn’t want my daughter to grow up in that intense attention – wherever we went, we’d get paparazzi. There are bigger, better superstars in America, so I thought, ‘I’ll go there for a quick holiday, and relax.’ And my holiday just turned into me loving it and wanting to stay there longer and longer. – Mel B
Shantel VanSanten Despite my mother saying I have been destined to be an actress my whole life, I remember being the kid who grew up not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. – Shantel VanSanten
BusinessRic Flair Nobody has wrestled everybody in the business like I have, especially not Bret Hart. – Ric Flair
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