Rosemary Mahoney The night sky in Egypt is a swirling mass of stars so bright and numerous the sky seems to tremble with the ice-blue weight of them. – Rosemary Mahoney Bright Quotes Egypt Quotes Iceblue Quotes Mass Quotes Night Quotes Numerous Quotes Sky Quotes Stars Quotes Swirling Quotes Tremble Quotes Weight Quotes Most of us who have healthy eyesight are extremely attached to our vision, often without being conscious that we are. We depend heavily on our eyes, and yet we rarely give them a second thought. I, at least, am this way. The physical world is almost hyper-vivid to me. Americans generally associate boats with leisure. Vastly less prosperous, Egyptians associate them with nothing but labour. Rowing a boat is something a fisherman is forced to do to make a living; how could such an activity bring me – a woman no less – pleasure?
Manika I’m part Filipino, part Japanese, part Chinese, part Malaysian, and part Spanish, and all those people, they love their karaoke. So whenever my family got together, we’d all karaoke. – Manika
Genevieve O'Reilly When I was around 13 or 14, there were visits to the theater, which really ignited my passion. Going to see live theater is when I properly got the bug and hoped I’d be able to do it for a living one day. – Genevieve O’Reilly
Carson Daly I don’t have a sidekick – no Ed McMahon. So when I go out there, I’m lonely. It’s scary. – Carson Daly
Mary Kay Blakely A mother is neither cocky, nor proud, because she knows the school principal may call at any minute to report that her child had just driven a motorcycle through the gymnasium. – Mary Kay Blakely
John Larroquette Again, as egotistical as I am, as self-centered as I am, and as much as I love strangers idolizing me, I find it very crass to be self-promoter in a way. – John Larroquette
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