Nicholas Kristof The north of the Central African Republic is now a war zone, with rival armed bands burning villages, kidnapping children, robbing travelers and killing people with impunity. – Nicholas Kristof African Quotes Armed Quotes Bands Quotes Burning Quotes Central Quotes Children Quotes Impunity Quotes Kidnapping Quotes Killing Quotes North Quotes People Quotes Republic Quotes Rival Quotes Robbing Quotes Travelers Quotes Villages Quotes War Quotes Zone Quotes If President Bush is serious about genocide, an immediate priority is to stop the cancer of Darfur from spreading further, which means working with France to shore up Chad and the Central African Republic. A few countries like Sri Lanka and Honduras have led the way in slashing maternal mortality.
Lou Barlow The first songs I ever wrote – my first, like, serious offerings – were all written on ukulele. It’s always been a part of the way I write for a really long time. – Lou Barlow
Adam Grant In the conversation about women in leadership, male voices are noticeably absent. – Adam Grant
David Dobrik I started on Vine when I first started. My parents were pretty confused about it. They definitely weren’t like, ‘Don’t do it,’ but they also were definitely parents like, ‘you have to go to college.’ So they didn’t really understand what the whole concept was and what it could possibly turn into. – David Dobrik
Hasan Minhaj Sean Spicer has somehow been doing PR since 1999, which is 18 years. Somehow, after 18 years, his go-to move was denying the Holocaust. – Hasan Minhaj
Sistine Stallone Christmas Day we get all the dogs and the cats and make breakfast and open presents and then go to the backyard – because it is always like 100 degrees in L.A. – and we get a speaker and play fun ’80s music and dance outside with all the animals. – Sistine Stallone
Mackenzie Dern I mean I’m a former ADCC champion, so for me, I’m always happy when I see the MMA girls doing jiu-jitsu and things like that. – Mackenzie Dern
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