Edgar Allan PoeImagination The nose of a mob is its imagination. By this, at any time, it can be quietly led. – Edgar Allan Poe Imagination Quotes Led Quotes Mob Quotes Nose Quotes Quietly Quotes Time Quotes It is all very well to copy what one sees, but it is far better to draw what one now only sees in one’s memory. That is a transformation in which imagination collaborates with memory. They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
Diana Quick I’d love to play a femme fatale in a film noir. I’m thinking of one of those roles that Lauren Bacall or Bette Davis might have played. What I wouldn’t like is to suddenly find myself being cast, as many senior actresses seem to be, as the abbess in a convent. – Diana Quick
Rajeev Suri I continue to be a believer in a standard-based industry, where your lean cost structure is a huge advantage. – Rajeev Suri
Garth Nix In all my books, I try to have a strong element of realism underlying the fantastic. – Garth Nix
Jill Abramson My advice on getting a raise is what everybody’s advice is: to become a confident negotiator; but that is so hard. My admiration for women who are good at that is unbridled. Women in general have a harder time talking about money with their bosses. – Jill Abramson
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