Annie Jacobsen The oil under Libya is the champagne of oil, drop for drop the world’s most valuable. – Annie Jacobsen Champagne Quotes Drop Quotes Libya Quotes Oil Quotes Valuable Quotes Worlds Quotes Many of the engineers I interviewed worked on reverse-engineering technology. It’s a hallmark of Area 51. Because it flew without a pilot, the D-21 was designed to fly over territory where the U.S. was denied access and to take photographs of weapons facilities from altitudes as low as 1,500 feet. But the project was canceled on July 30, 1966, after a fatal accident at sea during the drone’s first official launch.
Michael Cunningham Like my hero Virginia Woolf, I do lack confidence. I always find that the novel I’m finishing, even if it’s turned out fairly well, is not the novel I had in my mind. I think a lot of writers must negotiate this, and if they don’t admit it, they’re not being honest. – Michael Cunningham
Curt Schilling It is all about rehab. Most doctors can make you 100 percent well physically. I would tell you that it is 25 percent about the surgery and 75 percent about the rehab. – Curt Schilling
Cecilia Bartoli I still the love classic period, but also the baroque period, and even 17th-Century music such as the music of Monteverdi. He’s one of the greatest opera composers. He was the one who really started the opera. – Cecilia Bartoli
Michael Mandelbaum To call the American role in the world imperial was, for many who did so, a way of asserting that the United States was misusing its power beyond its borders and, in so doing, subverting its founding political principles within them. – Michael Mandelbaum
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