Brittany Murphy The older I get, the more I embrace my own idiosyncrasies. – Brittany Murphy Embrace Quotes Idiosyncrasies Quotes Sticking to your values, listening to your instincts, making your own choices is so important. Tired is not a word in my vocabulary.
Josie Totah There are funny gay people, and there are funny Indian people, and that’s why we watch TV, to laugh. It only makes sense to include all types of funny people, whether or not they’re gay or straight or what have you. – Josie Totah
Colin Jost I’m really excited about Jordan Spieth. Like a great in any sport, when the moment is the biggest, he performs his best. – Colin Jost
J-Hope I think I just laugh nonstop. I think my laughter naturally melts in when I want to recharge. – J-Hope
GovernmentPaul Hawken What we are missing, utterly and completely, in this government is accountability. – Paul Hawken
Bill Maris I used to be a health-care investor a long time ago in the public markets. One thing I learned that we tried to apply here is that investing in small molecules, trying to invest in the next treatment, there’s an element of gambling to that. – Bill Maris
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