Cael Sanderson The Olympics are the ultimate. – Cael Sanderson Olympics Quotes Ultimate Quotes If you’re once a competitor, you’re always a competitor. That’s really what wrestling is. It’s control.
Catherine Zeta-Jones In Hollywood everything is so documented. If you go for a drink with somebody, it’s passed around the world so quickly. – Catherine Zeta-Jones
Anthony KiedisCool Sometimes life’s so much cooler when you just don’t know any better and all the painful lessons have not hammered your head open yet. – Anthony Kiedis
Johann Lamont I’m pretty proud of having completed a marathon myself, so I can only imagine the pride that real athletes feel when they are picked for the Olympic or the Paralympic Games. – Johann Lamont
Ivory I was waiting for something to sink my teeth into, so I was all-in to be Miss Ivory of The RTC. It was great fun too! – Ivory
John Wesley I plainly felt that, had God given me such a retirement with the companion I desired, I should have forgotten the work for which I was born and have set up my rest in this world. – John Wesley
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