Mohamed El-Erian The once-unthinkable loss of the AAA rating will constitute a further hit to already fragile business and consumer confidence. – Mohamed El-Erian Aaa Quotes Business Quotes Confidence Quotes Constitute Quotes Consumer Quotes Fragile Quotes Hit Quotes Loss Quotes Onceunthinkable Quotes Rating Quotes Investors should be cautiously positioned as the global economy and markets face major uncertainties. The downgrade will be a further headwind to growth and job creation in the U.S. Most people are under exposed to global assets, including foreign stocks, bonds and currencies.
Patty Duke I still have highs and lows, just like any other person. What’s missing is the lack of control over the super highs, which became destructive, and the super lows, which are immediately destructive. – Patty Duke
Kaki King I see people who work on their look and they work on their poster and their website and you know, the music will speak for itself no matter what. So if you put maybe like 95% of your energy on music and 5% on playing out and telling people about it. That’s kind of a good equation. – Kaki King
Peter Facinelli We’ve been shooting the last two weeks with a lot of vampires. I don’t want to give away too much, but if you’ve read the books, it’s the standoff with lots of vampires in play. There’s like 70 people going through the works at once. It’s a little maddening, but fun. We shot pretty much the ending of the two movies the other day. – Peter Facinelli
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