John Layfield The ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative has been dismissed by some as not working. But America could be becoming weaker by ignoring what is going on right under our noses. – John Layfield America Quotes Belt Quotes Dismissed Quotes Ignoring Quotes Initiative Quotes Noses Quotes Road Quotes Weaker Quotes We must deal with Chinese theft of intellectual property, though no one is sure that tariffs are the solution. So if you ask those people who say they’re standing up to boo Roman Reigns because, ‘We don’t like him,’ ‘Okay, would you pay to see Roman Reigns get beat?’ ‘Oh, absolutely! I’d love to see him get beat.’ He’s doing his job because people pay to see him.
Jim Goldberg In Europe, I am an outsider. I don’t really understand anything that I am seeing. I can be welcomed into people’s homes, I can be met with suspicion, I can be taken somewhere else altogether. There is always wonderment there for me, even if the person I am photographing may not see it or be aware of it. – Jim Goldberg
Francis Parker Yockey The purest expression of the doctrine of Liberalism was probably that of Benjamin Constant. – Francis Parker Yockey
Javier Zanetti I’ve been lucky to be part of very good teams and to play with immense players. – Javier Zanetti
Margaret Atwood Optimism means better than reality; pessimism means worse than reality. I’m a realist. – Margaret Atwood
Paul Rust I grew up loving Pee-wee Herman. I was obsessed. I was the kid at school who everyone knew was obsessed with Pee-Wee. – Paul Rust
Mehdi Hasan Some have argued that the United States was designed to block majority rule; to be a ‘republic, not a democracy.’ This is ahistorical nonsense. – Mehdi Hasan
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