Harold Coffin The only thing worse than an active conscience is one that’s retroactive. – Harold Coffin Active Quotes Conscience Quotes Retroactive Quotes Worse Quotes When the product is right, you don’t have to be a great marketer. In the business world an executive knows something about everything, a technician knows everything about something and the switchboard operator knows everything.
David Andrew Sinclair We used to think that aging was a lot like, as if we were cars made fresh and youthful and then we’ve entered this breakdown in diet. What we didn’t realize until recently is that we’re much more complex than a car. We fix ourselves if we’re broken. – David Andrew Sinclair
Joey Barton I don’t switch off at 5 P.M. I am obsessive and compulsive about what I do, so my personal and professional lives are totally entwined. – Joey Barton
Judith Ellen Foster The country needs the political work of women today as much as it has ever needed woman in any other work at any other time. – Judith Ellen Foster
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