Lori Lightfoot The only thing you have in your life is your integrity. – Lori Lightfoot Integrity Quotes Life Quotes We’ve got to do everything we can to speak to and protect our immigrant communities. Fundamentally, we need to make sure that our neighborhoods are safe – all of our neighborhoods.
Charlotte Rae You can take wonderfully talented actors, wonderfully talented writers and producers, and, uh, do a wonderful show!… but if it doesn’t hit with the public in two minutes, it’s bye-bye. – Charlotte Rae
Juan Diego Florez With El Sistema, you can create orchestras everywhere; then they can decide whether they want to become professional musicians. The aim is not only to create musicians, but to create people. – Juan Diego Florez
Stephen Miller What you do on immigration policy, what you do on education policy, what you do on tax, regulatory, and energy policy, all connects together – and will be based on a simple determination about what will make life better in America for American citizens. – Stephen Miller
Iskra Lawrence I just spent five, six years sacrificing so much to try and fit into that one ideal, that one small standard, and I was never good enough. And it was just frustration that turned into motivation… That became my ammunition, all the people that told me I couldn’t. – Iskra Lawrence
FriendshipJoe Biden You’ve got to reach a hand of friendship across the aisle and across philosophies in this country. – Joe Biden
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