Mark Getty The onus should be on the banks and their compliance officers to ensure the analysts are kept separate from investment banking and they should be punished for breaches. – Mark Getty Analysts Quotes Banking Quotes Banks Quotes Breaches Quotes Compliance Quotes Ensure Quotes Investment Quotes Officers Quotes Onus Quotes Punished Quotes Separate Quotes In 17 years, we have built a business that has revolutionized the industry, with innovation at its core. I am confident that the partnership between Getty Images and the Carlyle Group will see the company’s success continue. Yes, some banks will only float good companies. But others could not give two hoots if you have a business, a business plan or any business experience.
Fede Alvarez I’m inspired when I find out about something that I didn’t know was a remake. An example is, of course, stuff like ‘The Fly,’ or ‘The Thing,’ or even ‘The Blob.’ For our generation, all those things, whether it was ‘The Blob’ or ‘The Fly’ or something else, we had no idea they were remakes. – Fede Alvarez
Sushmita Sen I have this very simple logic about life that it should not be taken too seriously. – Sushmita Sen
Gavin Andresen I don’t see myself as the king of Bitcoin. I don’t want to be the king of Bitcoin. – Gavin Andresen
Jennifer Grant Dad has, and had, a deservedly glowing reputation. However, this belief in ‘reputation first’ seems to have given rise to his fears of what might be rumored after his death. – Jennifer Grant
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