Pierre Poilievre The opposition believes that we should allow people to vote without even showing a shred of identification. Canadians disagree. – Pierre Poilievre Believes Quotes Canadians Quotes Disagree Quotes Identification Quotes Opposition Quotes People Quotes Shred Quotes Vote Quotes We don’t need subsidized corporate welfare schemes that rely on endless bailouts from the taxpayer. The Conservative caucus votes far more freely and independently than any other caucus on Parliament Hill.
Cenk Uygur There is no greater threat to Washington, D.C., than Bernie Sanders, and they know it. – Cenk Uygur
Leandra Medine When you’re writing a blog post, you can take solace in knowing that you will immediately know how people will respond to it, and if the criticism is bad, then that’s fine because you can work on that and fix it, and if it’s good, then that’s great because you know what to do in the future. It gets pushed down so quickly. – Leandra Medine
Cori Bush Radioactive waste in Coldwater Creek has caused a level of devastation that would be unfathomable if it weren’t our reality. Our communities have seen hundreds of our neighbors sickened with rare cancers. Animals, birds, and insects have dropped dead in our neighborhoods. – Cori Bush
Bruce Grobbelaar I have been called a clown in football – but if I don’t go onto the field with a laugh and smile, I shouldn’t be doing it. – Bruce Grobbelaar
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