Meister Eckhart The outward work will never be puny if the inward work is great. – Meister Eckhart Outward Quotes Puny Quotes What a man takes in by contemplation, that he pours out in love. The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me.
Janis Karpinski I had 16 other prisons that I needed to pay attention to, and we did. And I had 3,400 soldiers who were depending on me to take care of them, and I did. – Janis Karpinski
Jeff Koons I think art teaches us how to feel, what our parameters can be, what sensations can be like; it makes you more engaged with life. – Jeff Koons
John 5 If my mom said, ‘You better not do this!’ I’m not one of those people who go, ‘Well, I’m definitely going to do that.’ I always thought, ‘Okay, mom. I probably don’t want to do that. She’s probably looking out for me.’ If it’s someone who says, ‘You’ll never make it,’ I’ll just do what’s in my heart. It’s what I’ve always done. – John 5
Rosie Jones I want to play a wife who cheats on her husband, or just a normal person who isn’t an angel, because I am far from an angel. – Rosie Jones
Eric Johnson I realize I live in a bubble, and all the opportunities are there to me. And having done a number of popular TV series, I’m mildly famous in certain situations, and lots of doors open to me. – Eric Johnson
Kevin Barry Don DeLillo’s ‘White Noise,’ which I read when I was 19. It showed me that a book can be funny as hell and deadly serious. – Kevin Barry
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