Talcott Parsons The part an actor played on stage was once written on a separate roll of paper. – Talcott Parsons Actor Quotes Paper Quotes Played Quotes Roll Quotes Separate Quotes Stage Quotes Written Quotes The part an actor played on stage was once written on a separate roll of paper. A gloss is a total system of perception and language.
Howard Jacobson The day I don’t attend to my nostrils is the day I will have forsworn that world and become a different person. Someone otherwise preoccupied. Someone who couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of his appearance – someone for whom the material life has lost its appeal. – Howard Jacobson
Hassan Nasrallah Israel should not feel satisfaction at my son’s death, for he died on the battlefield, facing the conquerors as he wished, with a gun in his hand. – Hassan Nasrallah
Rick Santelli While the vandals are on the street corners, the Tea Party conservatives, they’re working state houses, the governorships, the mayorships, the Senate, the House. – Rick Santelli
Ned Lamont Increasing the diversity of what we teach is critical to providing students with a better understanding of who we are as a society and where we are going. – Ned Lamont
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