Susan Tedeschi The people I liked all told a story playing guitar. There are a lot of flashy guys out there I didn’t like. Whereas someone like B.B. King could play one note and make people feel it – that’s way deeper. – Susan Tedeschi Deeper Quotes Feel Quotes Flashy Quotes Guitar Quotes Guys Quotes King Quotes Lot Quotes Note Quotes People Quotes Play Quotes Playing Quotes Story Quotes Told Quotes I really focused on rhythm guitar playing at first because it was important to know the song and chords first before taking a solo. A lot of people get up and jam, but they don’t know the song. It’s hard to say anything, emote anything, with that approach. You need to do at least 100, 150 shows a year to get really good.
Henry Van Dyke There are two good rules which ought to be written on every heart – never to believe anything bad about anybody unless you positively know it to be true; never to tell even that unless you feel that it is absolutely necessary, and that God is listening. – Henry Van Dyke
Bob Weinstein Harvey and I grew up in Queens, N.Y. My brother and I shared a room for 18 years until we went away to college. When we were kids, after our father said, ‘Lights out,’ he also exclaimed, ‘No more talking. Time for sleep.’ But we’d stay up late, arguing over statistics, who the best center fielder was – Willie Mays or Mickey Mantle. – Bob Weinstein
Melissa Rauch There are so many male antiheroes but not nearly as many female antiheroes.There’s a lot of pressure on female characters to be likable. That puts a lot of pressure on women to be likable. – Melissa Rauch
Judy Greer I really believe waiting tables, and service industry jobs in general, make you a better person. – Judy Greer
Fawad Khan I always consider myself as good as my last film. I tend to analyse my work very critically. – Fawad Khan
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