Philip Treacy The personality of the wearer and the hat makes the hat. – Philip Treacy Hat Quotes Personality Quotes Wearer Quotes You always see a better side of where you’re visiting when a local shows you around. Everybody loves things that sparkle.
Asdrubal Cabrera I’m a baseball player who likes to enjoy himself and leave everything to God. He knows what’ll happen. – Asdrubal Cabrera
AngerMel Gibson Religion and politics hit nerves. There’s a lot of anger about a lot of things. It’s not easily resolved. I guess that’s what wars are about. Wars are about prejudice and fear. Hit first before you get hit. Believe me, I know. – Mel Gibson
Grace Chatto We watch the MOBOs every year and it has always been a dream to be involved. – Grace Chatto
Jake Gyllenhaal I have an overactive brain, and as a result of that, I can really get in my own mind. So I like to try and exercise it to the point of exhaustion. – Jake Gyllenhaal
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