Raymond Bonner The Philippines, it might be said, is a country in search of an identity. – Raymond Bonner Country Quotes Identity Quotes Philippines Quotes Search Quotes The Philippines is a country in which a man of morals can’t be president, in which a politician who hasn’t been linked to any wrongdoing isn’t assumed to be honest, but merely better at hiding his corruption. I’m not the only foreigner who took up golf while living in Jakarta.
MedicalSheri Fink It remains to be seen the extent to which the critical needs of seniors in low income high rises, people with home medical needs and those with disabilities have been adequately planned for and met during widespread power outages. I fear the answers. – Sheri Fink
BestPoetrySamuel Taylor Coleridge Poetry: the best words in the best order. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Earl Warren Many people consider the things government does for them to be social progress but they regard the things government does for others as socialism. – Earl Warren
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