Robert Fortune The plants which stand next to dwarf trees in importance with the Chinese are certainly chrysanthemums, which they manage extremely well, perhaps better than they do any other plant. – Robert Fortune Chinese Quotes Chrysanthemums Quotes Dwarf Quotes Extremely Quotes Manage Quotes Plant Quotes Plants Quotes Stand Quotes Trees Quotes The tree was evidently aged, from the size of its stem. It was about six feet high, the branches came out from the stem in a regular and symmetrical manner, and it had all the appearance of a tree in miniature. The plants are principally kept in large pots arranged in rows along the sides of narrow paved walks, with the houses of the gardeners at the entrance through which the visitors pass to the gardens.
Adam Davidson Much of what we consider the American way of life is rooted in the period of remarkably broad, shared economic growth, from around 1900 to about 1978. – Adam Davidson
Denise Mina The idea of suicide is of a very set narrative, as if killing yourself is a definitive statement. But it can be just as meaningless as throwing a stone in a river. – Denise Mina
Sonny Bill Williams By the end of my first year at the Dogs, we’d won the competition, and I’d played some pretty good footy. – Sonny Bill Williams
Joy Mangano When I wake up, I think, ‘What can I do to help others?’ I think we all owe the world something. That’s the way I am when I’m designing a product. – Joy Mangano
David R Brower When people say, ‘You’re not being realistic,’ they’re just trying to tag some thoughts that they can’t otherwise handle. – David R Brower
Avigdor Lieberman Those who think that through concessions they will gain respect and peace are wrong. It’s the other way around; it will lead to more wars. – Avigdor Lieberman
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