Kathryn Schulz The point isn’t to live without any regrets. The point is to not hate ourselves for having them. – Kathryn Schulz Hate Quotes Live Quotes Regrets Quotes The kinds of things that we can make mistakes about are essentially unlimited in number. If you want to live a life free of regret, there is an option open to you. It’s called a lobotomy.
Kat Edmonson Growing up, my imagined life as a musician was something along the lines of me lounging in a Learjet en route to a swelling outdoor amphitheatre on a dazzling summer’s eve. – Kat Edmonson
Jonny Kim Don’t let that hunger for the unknown go away. That curiosity is so important, so you should maintain that passion for what you do. – Jonny Kim
Hans Frank First, I was Bavarian State Minister of Justice, and after the ministries of justice in the various states were dissolved I became Reich Minister without portfolio. – Hans Frank
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